Classes Offered
We teach a range of classes on chain bondage, from absolute beginner/novice ('I'm not sure what chain bondage is') to advanced ('I want to learn how to put people in the air!') The class list below is organized from top to bottom in this way, as well as including a recommended presentation duration time. Many of the classes can go longer upon request depending on the amount of attendees, and whether the class is purely a demo versus hands-on learning/teaching and interaction.
If you are an individual club or venue interested in hosting one or more of our classes, we are open to negotiating a rate/compensation for our time.
If you are a large event host, please consider offering fair compensation.
:: Updated on 01/29/25: ::
Chain Bondage for Beginners
Beginner, 1.5-2 hours, Hands-on*
Chains are a kink staple that evoke images of dungeons and being trapped, feelings of cold and hard restraint, and power and control. This class is a discussion of risks and safety using chains for bondage, a demonstration of various metal connectors, and how to maintain tension and make single columns using chain with labbing time after each demonstration. Great for self- and partnered-bondage participants and absolute beginners! Participants are welcome to bring their own chain; the presenters will have plastic chain available to borrow to practice with during the workshop. If you wish to purchase your own starter chain kit ahead of time, the presenters recommend two 6-feet lengths of 1/4-inch proof coil zinc-plated chain and four to six 1/4-inch stainless steel screw-pin anchor shackles.
*also available in a limited demonstration-only format for online presentation
Chain Bondage for Beginners Part 2: In-Line Single Columns
Beginner, 1.5 hours, Hands-on*
In-line columns are so called because they are built “in the middle of the line” after a new piece of chain has been attached to a basic single column. This class builds on the content taught in “Chain Bondage for Beginners”, and demonstrates building in-line single columns and good practices on using them. Participants will practice each in-line column after the presenters demonstrate them. This presentation is great for self- and partnered-bondage participants and beginners! Participants are welcome to bring their own chain; the presenters will have plastic chain available to borrow to practice with during the workshop. If you wish to purchase your own starter chain kit ahead of time, the presenters recommend two 6-feet lengths of 1/4-inch proof coil zinc-plated chain and four to six 1/4-inch stainless steel screw-pin anchor shackles.
*also available in a limited demonstration-only format for online presentation
Chain Challenge!
Beginner, 1.5 hours, Hands-on
It’s time to play! Taking what you’ve learned from Chain Bondage for Beginners and In-Line Single Columns, we challenge you to take an idea from the “pose book” and recreate it using chain single columns and in-line single columns. This entirely hands-on workshop will challenge the attendee to consider how to build custom bondage and one-of-a-kind chain harnesses while understanding the building blocks of chain bondage. By the end of the session, attendees can vote on who created the most interesting designs utilizing 101 techniques and who successfully recreated their chosen pose. This workshop requires at least the amount of chain and shackles in two starter kits (one starter kit equals two 6-feet lengths of 1/4-inch proof coil zinc-plated chain and four to six 1/4-inch stainless steel screw-pin anchor shackles), but having more materials is encouraged.
Chain Bondage for the Ground
Beginner, 1.5 hours, Demonstration
You know you like that heavy rattle, that cold slippery touch, and the smell of metal. But what to do with those chains in your kit? This class includes a brief discussion of risks and safety information using chain and a demonstration of a floor bondage sequence with variations. Previously attending any prior introduction or Chain Bondage for Beginners is recommended. This class is a demonstration only with audience feedback encouraged.
Chain Bondage for Sex and Exposure
Beginner +, 1.5 hours, Demonstration
Bound and helpless. Locked up and throw away the key. Held open and exposed. Sex and bondage go hand in hand, so let's add something cold, heavy, and occasionally slippery. This class will demonstrate binding someone up in a sexually exposed position, discuss incorporating spreader bars, insertables, and other metal-associated novelties, and demonstrate a simple chain chastity harness for inner plumbing. Previously attending any prior introduction or Chain Bondage for Beginners is recommended. This class is a demonstration only with audience feedback encouraged.
Freestyle Chain Bondage
Beginner+, 1.5 hours, Demonstrations
What's a pattern? Is that when I "pat an urn"? No? Then fuck patterns. This class reiterates some important aspects of beginner chain bondage handling and some body safety and mechanics tips to remember. Cecilia will demonstrate a self-bound body harness not based on any pattern and Fischer will demonstrate a head cage on Cecilia. A discussion on why playing with chain without following a pattern is included. A good grasp of beginner chain bondage handling is recommended.
Chain Chest Harnesses from Functional to Fancy
Intermediate, 1.5-2 hours, Hands-on and Demonstrations
Taking a deeper dive into chain bondage harness design and handling, this class demonstrates two varieties of arms-free chest harnesses in chain plus an advanced arms-included chest harness and discusses and demonstrates modifications including lower wrap placements and shoulder straps. A good grasp of beginner chain bondage handling is highly recommended.
Arms-Front Chest Harness in Rope and in Chain
Intermediate, 1.5 hours, Discussion and Demonstration
This class takes a well-known arms-front rope chest harness, identifies key structures that hold the harness together, and then recreates it in chain bondage. A discussion about translating ideas across bondage mediums is included. Previously attending any prior introduction or Chain Bondage for Beginners is recommended.
Hybrid Bondage
Intermediate, 1.5 hours, Demonstration
On one hand you have chain - cold, heavy, unforgiving. On the other you have rope - slick and stretchy, or grippy and itchy. Now imagine both of those unique sensations on your body at the same time! An exquisite experience in sensation, weight, and movement. This class will demonstrate a hybrid bondage scenario using chain and synthetic rope. Cecilia will self-tie parts of harnesses in rope and Fischer will bind the other parts with 1/4” proof coil chain. The co-presenters will work together to put Cecilia into a hybrid bondage predicament scenario. Previously attending any prior introduction or iteration of Chain Bondage for Beginners is recommended. This brand new workshop is a demonstration with audience feedback.
Two Harnesses for Chain Suspension
Intermediate, 2 hours, Hands-on, BYO Materials*
In this extended concepts class, participants will learn how to create both a hip and chest harness that can be used either in a gravitational suspension or a lifting suspension. This class is mostly hands-on and will have very little lecture. It is required that all attendees either take or have taken the “Chain Bondage for Beginners” class in order to apply the concepts in this one. This class will not be teaching the basics of chain bondage suspension--that is reserved for the Chain Suspension Hands-On Workshop. The content of this class is possible to apply on one’s self but a partner is recommended. The lengths of chain required for this class are based on the average experience of the instructors; the actual lengths required may vary depending on body type of the person receiving the bondage.
*a separate recommended materials list will be provided
This class must pair with "Chain Suspension Hands-on Workshop"
Chain Suspension Demonstration
Advanced, 1.5 hours, Demonstration
Chain – that cold, heavy, unforgiving material. You’ve learned to bind yourself or your partner in it. You’ve lashed them and learned tension and body manipulation. The next challenge is using chain to fly! This class includes a brief discussion of risks and safety information including chain bondage suspension safety, a demonstration of creating single columns and tensioning techniques and spreading weight through downlines. A demonstration of a simple suspension sequence will follow. Previously attending any prior introduction or interation of Chain Bondage for Beginners is requried.
Hybrid Chain and Rope Suspension
Advanced, 1.5 hours, Demonstration
On one hand you have chain - cold, heavy, unforgiving. On the other you have rope - slick and stretchy, or grippy and itchy. Now imagine floating in the air supported by both! An exquisite experience in sensation, weight, and movement. This class will demonstrate a hybrid rope and chain suspension. Cecilia will self-tie parts of harnesses in rope and Fischer will bind the other parts with chain. The co-presenters will work together to put Cecilia into a hybrid suspension, using both rope and chain suspension techniques, and transition her. Previously attending any prior introduction or interation of Chain Bondage for Beginners is requried. Previous in-depth knowledge and experience with rope suspension is also required for this class.
Chain Suspension Hands-on Workshop
Advanced, 3 hours, Hands-on
Participants of this class must have taken ‘Chain Bondage for Beginners’ and ‘Two Harnesses for Chain Suspension’ as it will be simultaneous lecture and hands-on to teach a basic suspension sequence from floor to flying. Demonstrable skills from the content of those classes is expected. There will be two types of suspensions taught and shown: a gravitational suspension and a mechanical lifting suspension. Lifting hardware and static hard points will be provided. Small groups of couples (four to six participants) will have to share the hardware and points due to limited availability. This class requires a partner to do the suspension with.
This presentation must pair with “Two Harnesses for Chain Suspension”
*a separate recommended materials list will be provided
Chain Suspension Hands-on Intensive
Advanced, 6 hours, Hands-on, attendees must demonstrate hands-on skill
You've built harnesses, played with floor predicament situations, and maybe even introduced metal novelties for sexy exposure play. Now for your next challenge: your first chain suspension! Covering bondage and suspension safety, hardware safety, and suspension negotiation, this introductory suspension workshop is great for partnered participants that already have a solid grasp of chain bondage techniques. Suspension experience is recommended, but not required. During the workshop you'll learn techniques on getting someone into the air, shifting weight through transitions between lifting hardware and down lines, creating positional changes and simple transitions, and by the end you'll have someone flying in chain. If you're the partner in the chain, you'll learn active bottoming for suspension and breathing and sensation processing tips. This multi-hour workshop is entirely hands-on. Participating partners will need to provide the following hardware (separate list).
** If you are interested in learning any of this content on your own or in a small group, please contact us for private lesson rates.